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Engleski some phrases of "All Quiet on the Western Front" (cateva fraze din "Nimic nou pe frontul de vest")
"All Quiet on the Western Front"was written in a first person style.
When Kropp got a fever he was scheduled to be dropped off at the next stop.
Then, in October of 1918, Paul finally fell. The book describes his death as, "...his face had an expression of calm, as though almost glad the end had come." The war ended the next month.
in prima propozitie: " "Nimic...." a fost scris intr-o prima persoană de stil." cum adica?/:) mai sunt...portiuni dintr-un text pe care nu le-am inteles :D

Završeni prevodi
Rumunski Câteva fraze din "Nimic nou pe frontul de vest"